Core Values


We value worship.
Psalm 100

  • We strive to be a church which responds to the character and work of God with gratitude and obedience.
  • Imagine a church where God is the focus of worship gatherings; where Sunday worship is about people with lifestyles of worship coming together to praise God; and where all are invited to praise, joining hearts before the throne of Almighty God.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is encouraging all to prayerfully center on God to prepare for our worship gatherings.


We value people.
Luke 10:25-37; 1 John 4:20-21

  • We strive to be a church which recognizes the image of God in every person and treats all people accordingly.
  • Imagine a church driven by love where all people are accepted and find a place to belong regardless of cultural background, race, age, and financial status; where claims of love for God are validated by love for people.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by providing a safe environment where people can share their deepest joys and fears. 

Spiritual Transformation

We value spiritual transformation.
2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 5:22-23

  • We strive to be a church of increasingly transformed Christ-followers.
  • Imagine a church where lives are being transformed in a way explained only by the activity of the Holy Spirit of God; where God is shaping people by the holy power of Holy Spirit into a people of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by encouraging spiritual relationships built on love, accountability, and prayer.


We value acceptance.
Romans 14; Romans 15:7

  • We strive to be a church characterized by attitudes of gracious acceptance, not judgment.
  • Imagine a church where the most unlovable people are loved.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is through our LIFE Groups where anyone can find a place to belong.


We value unity.
John 17:20-23

  • We strive to be a church united in our diversity and promoting the oneness of humanity.
  • Imagine a church where people work through differences and difficulties to stay united.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by viewing diversity as a strength rather than a weakness. 


We value giftedness.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31

  • We strive to be a church that recognizes, honors, and nurtures spiritual giftedness.
  • Imagine a church where the leadership encourages rather than restricts the use of spiritual gifts.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by encouraging the praise team to use the gift of song poured out on them by God.


We value prayer.
Matthew 6:9-13

  • We strive to be a church which openly and honestly communicates with God.
  • Imagine a church where the focus is on relationship rather than religious ritual so that prayer is open communication with God.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by encouraging members to grow through special seasons of prayer and prayer exercises.


We value ministry.
1 Peter 4:10-11

  • We strive to be a church in which each person ministers in the name of Jesus.
  • Imagine a church where the leadership equips the members to minister rather than leaving ministry to “religious professionals.”
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is having the leaders assess the giftedness of members and assign them to appropriate ministries.

Active Mercy

We value compassionate active mercy.
Micah 6:6-8

  • We strive to be a church which dwells among and walks alongside the marginalized and neglected of our society, getting involved in their lives rather than just throwing money or things at problems.
  • Imagine a church where there is genuine concern for widows, orphans, and the marginalized in society.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by hosting homeless people in the Room in the Inn program.


We value evangelism.
1 Corinthians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 4:10; Matthew 28

  • We strive to be a church which embodies and proclaims the good news message of Jesus.
  • Imagine a church where people are encouraged to share the story of what God is doing in their lives.
  • One way Lafayette tries to live out this value is by having a missional mindset that encourages members to represent Jesus every day wherever they go.